Running Memories or How to Grow Your Brain

In 2008, an obituary appeared in the New York Times of Henry Gustav Molaison, a man who died peacefully at age 82 in a nursery home in Connecticut.

Molaison in 1953 before his surgery (Source: Wikipedia)

For most of his life, Henry Gustav Molaison was only known as H.M. primarily to the the scientific community given the sad story of how he lost his memory but taught the rest of the world how we form memories in our own brains: what he lost, we gained.

As a child, he had a tragic accident being hit by a bicycle. He hit his head which led to the development of seizures in his brain that could not be treated. Unable to lead a normal life, he underwent an experimental surgery as a young adult which took out a small piece deeply buried in his brain called the hippocampus as it is shaped like a seahorse.

Even though is seizure stopped after the surgery, an entirely new problem arose: for the entire rest of his life, he could not form any new memories such as memorizing the name of the lead researcher, Brenda Milner from McGill University in Montreal, who would study him for the rest of his life over five decades. “He was a very gracious man, very patient, always willing to try these tasks I would give him. And yet every time I walked in the room, it was like we’d never met.” Brenda was quoted in the New York Times.

Her seminal paper published in 1957 has been quoted over 8,500 times making it one of the most cited papers in Neuroscience ever and it started a series of discoveries that firmly established the role of the hippocampus in forming long-term memories.

Most of the work to better understand the molecular mechanisms of how long-term memories are formed in the hippocampus has been done in animals particularly mice and rats. Scientists can even test the formation of memories by giving rodents a test called the Morris water maze in which they have to swim to find a submerged platform in milky water.  

It was long known that rodents who grew up in an enriched environment performed better in the maze test but which part of the enrichment actually led to better memory formation? In an elegantly designed study, Henriette van Praag and her team showed that it was the daily running that helped these mice form better memories and most interestingly that the exercise had to be voluntary to be effective. Forced swimming exercises did not work to improve memory formation. 

It also showed that the effect of running was to lead to new brain cells and to help newly formed cells in the hippocampus to survive better – in other words running makes your brain grow.

What could be the mechanism responsible for the link between running and growing new brain cells?

One of the molecules that are important to form these long-term memories in the hippocampus is BDNF or Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor. 

BDNF belongs to a family of growth factors first discovered by another legendary female neuroscientist, Rita Levi-Montalcini. She made her discoveries in a laboratory set up in her own bedroom after she lost her university position in 1938 because she was Jewish. She later replicated and furthered her discoveries at Washington University in St. Louis and was awarded the Nobel prize in 1986 and in 2009 and became the first Nobel prize winner to turn 100 years old (so much for successful aging).

Rita Levi Montalcini at age 100 (Source: Presidenza della Repubblica)

Growth factors play a major role in brain development but also in the maintenance of the connections of the nerve cells in the adult brain.

So what makes the brain release BDNF and is responsible for growing your hippocampus? You guessed correctly, exercise.

Here is the big story: exercising your muscles and growing your brain are tightly linked not only in our evolutionary history by selecting for endurance runners as better hunters but also in each individual’s brain development as we first grow up and then grow old and growth factors are one of the important links between the brain and the rest of the body.  

When we exercise we release a whole slew of growth factors from our muscles and other organs. These include BDNF, VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor), and IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1) into the bloodstream. Their first function is in the periphery in mediating the adaptation to exercise as a result of training. VEGF leads to the formation of new blood vessels so that you can get more oxygen to your muscles next time, BDNF is involved in controlling glucose and lipid metabolism in muscle to burn it more effectively so that you have more energy for exercise and IGF-1 leads to the formation of new red blood cells to better transport oxygen.

But somewhat surprisingly, a lot of them also cross the blood brain barrier and support nerve cells in their proliferation and growth – their death rate goes down and their connections increase.

Indeed, aerobic exercise has been shown to increase hippocampal size am memory function in a randomized-controlled trail in humans.

So are the brain improvements just a nice but incidental side-effect of training. Of course not: in fact, the selection for better endurance performance and bigger (and better) brains might have been the same and positively feed on each other.   

So remember:

5 Things I Learnt from Wearing a Cheap Chinese Smartwatch

As a neuroscientist by training, I still am convinced that the most amazing fitness computer sits between your ears. Nonetheless, I have finally yielded and bought myself a cheap Chinese smart watch and here is what I have learnt so far:

Bassett Jr, David R. „Scientific contributions of AV Hill: exercise physiology pioneer.“ Journal of applied physiology 93.5 (2002): 1567-1582.
  1. For around 50 EUR, you can get a watch that works as a heart rate monitor and a GPS device (which can upload to Strava) and supposedly works for swimming as well (pools are still closed in Germany and water temperature in the Baltic is currently at 40C so I have not yet tried it) – overall that is pretty amazing
  2. There is absolutely no need to visit a lab to know your training zones. Veronique Billat and colleagues have a beautifully simple test with which you can get your heart rate and speed at LT1, LT2 and VO2max as well as your maximum heart rate. All you need is a heart rate monitor with GPS, a flat course and about 30 minutes of your time.
  3. Technology can teach you honesty – after all, the easiest person to fool is you. Running in Zone1 (in a three zone model) takes real discipline as it is slower that I thought and so easy to just speed up a bit every once in a while and a heart rate monitor certainly helped me to keep myself honest.
  4. Running by feel still beats running by a computer but the computer can tell you how accurate your feelings are. I look at heart rate and speed much less than I did at the beginning but love to analyze my workouts afterwards.
  5. All the preset algorithms are questionable at best. Work with the raw data (heart rate and speed) instead and do your own analysis. Leave aside the complete garbage of sleep scores (which simply measure how much you move with a gyroscope but can tell you nothing about how well you sleep) to the PAI score (which has somewhat of a scientific basis but some real shortcomings in its assumptions, primarily the full substitutability of lower intensity exercises by shorter, high intensity ones) to a simplistic preset of training zones (why for instance does Amazfit work with the „220-age“ formula and fixed percentages when it knows you maximum and resting heart rate)

Know thyself was the first of the three mottoes at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi and philosophically is one of the strongest arguments for testing yourself in sports. For me at least, the cheap Chinese watch was a useful tool on that journey.

Giovanelli, Nicola, et al. „A new field test to estimate the aerobic and anaerobic thresholds and maximum parameters.“ European journal of sport science 20.4 (2020): 437-443.

Permanent Lock-Down Anniversary: 5 Sports Lessons Learnt

Exactly one year ago, we came back from our skiing trip to Austria. Facing uncertainty and being extra careful, we went into voluntary quarantine for fourteen days just days before schools closed officially.

Since then, information on the disease has became much clearer but the virus politics – at least in Germany – have become deeply dystopian as we are in state of continuous lock-downs with parliaments effectively disbanded. Instead, we are being governed by a central committee of the chancellor and state leaders deciding on new measures restricting basic rights (including our rights to participate in sports) based on a blanket empowerment by the pandemic law and a permanent state of emergency (Infektionsschutzgesetz).

General participation sports (in contrast to professional sports) is still largely forbidden with the first stage of opening starting on Monday so partial (outdoor with small groups only), complicated and contingent (dependent on average incidence with ability for pull-backs) that our local club just decided to leave everything closed for now.

Here are five things that I have learnt in this pandemic as they relate to sports:

Boxing light-heavyweight podium 1960 Olympics, Polish Press Agency (PAP)
  1. Sports is a deeply social activity and is much more than exercise – I am a rather introverted person needing a lot of time for myself and not needing much external motivation to exercise. Nonetheless, I desperately miss my training partners, the youth group I coach and the meetings with the other coaches for making plans, reliving the great moments of the past and just having a relaxed beer. I do not even want to imagine what the kids feel that keep asking me when we can start again.
  2. Get real – there is no support for general participation sports but it is rather seen as a friendly but irrelevant and rather peripheral activity in our society. If I try to raise the topic with friends they laugh at it and advise not to take sports and my weird obsession too seriously
  3. Of course the opposite is true – Covid19 is just a special expression of how screwed we are as a society with over half of the population overweight and metabolically sick and the average kid lacking basic physical literacy. We basically wasted a full year without addressing the biggest underlying risk factor of this pandemic other than age (don’t even get me started on the other topic of industrial warehousing of our aged population being taken care of by the underpaid)
  4. There are real health costs to the lock-downs and two years of schoolchildren not learning how to swim (when the percentage of kids knowing how to swim was dropping anyhow) with pools still closed is probably going to be a significant but not the only cost. It is almost guaranteed that the later death of people drowning as a result will exceed the deaths from Covid in this age cohort. Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide and young age is the prime risk factor.
  5. Two weekends ago when riding my bike, I witnessed a police motorcycle pulling over and fining a group of around six road cyclists because they were riding in a group (only two people allowed to be together). If things continue like this, we might have to rediscover the counter-cultural and political dimension of sports as an expression of personal freedom and expression of opposition to the status-quo and jointly start ignoring at least the craziest of rules

The Pentathlon Papers: It’s a Laserworld

Back to the world of Modern Pentathlon and obscure scientific papers on this most peripheral of research topics. I have a google scholar alert for anything new that gets published on Modern Pentathlon and I am very happy indeed if there is anything at all that gets published every few months. This time, it was not Korean or Chinese but Belarusian/Polish and asked the obvious question:

  • If the overall results – as I have also previously written about – are so dominated by the Laser-Run contributing to 55% for the overall results as calculated by the authors, why do we not spend more time in training on it?

Indeed, the authors design a program for female top athletes to spend more time in the pre-competition phase on the Laser-Run in training and to no surprise, it actually paid off with better results:

I leave you with two questions, one for the National Federations and one for those concerned with practical questions concerning coaching development athletes:

Dear National Federations,

  • How come we know exactly how endurance athletes, sprinters, biathletes, rowers and all kinds of other athletes spend their time but we have (at least to my knowledge) no quantitative, published data on how Modern Pentathletes train – this seems to be very low hanging fruit for any sports scientist who wants to just get going on establishing a track record to be the world leading authority on this (still) Olympic discipline and I am sure that many a National Federation would be happy with granting access. In my view, this would be an absolute prerequisite for critically assessing training resource allocation questions

Dear Development Coaches,

  • The Laser-Run only is introduced starting for U17 competitions but selection into Modern Pentathlon programs starts earlier and is often based on swimming performance. Unfortunately, many swimmers do not like to run and after some early success get increasingly frustrated as the Laser-Run starts to dominate. Should we put a stronger focus on cross-over athletes from track instead?

Rapamycin and the Fountain of Youth Series: The Anti-Aging Drug

Should there be a single drug that can miraculously extend human life span given the diverse effects aging has across organs and biological systems?

The answer is yes but if you ask me, way too few people are excited about it.

Let us recap: aging effects everyone but some people live longer than others. When looking at centenarians, the question arises as to the reason for how they die in the end. The answer is that they die of the same stuff that everybody else dies of (cardio-vascular disease, cancer and a diminished immune system unable to fight infections like pneumonia) but centenarians only get those diseases twenty years later.

If we could just push out these diseases for twenty years, we would solve a lot of the problems in our health care system – but how likely is it that we would find a single intervention that does it?

Actually, one such intervention has been with us for centuries and – very topical given that today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent – is fasting (or caloric restriction).

The Fight Between Carnival and Lent Der Kampf zwischen Karneval und Fasten

Religion (especially when it includes adherence to ritual) has gone out of favor and instead, we have replaced true fasting (i.e., not eating) with very modest, metaphorical abstinence during Lent such as this year’s fasting slogan in the German Lutheran Church of „climate fasting“ (supposedly doing good stuff for the climate which can include vacation fasting).

Can a pill provide the same benefit without actually having to do a real fast? Actually, it can and you will not be surprised that the best candidate for such a drug is rapamycin.

Here is the data:

  • It dramatically extends longevity in flies, worms and mice (which are very close to us biochemically but live much shorter lives so that you can study longevity in a controlled manner much more easily) and there are some great studies in dogs on its way
  • Especially, the mouse data is very convincing given that the data came from genetically heterogeneous mice (i.e., not some breeding artifact) at various laboratories coming to the same conclusion in multiple sites and for multiple study protocols
  • It is very likely to have the same life-extending effect in humans and we already know that rapamycin (and its analogues) ameliorate many of the symptoms of aging such as improving immune-system function in humans
  • Best of all it is safe, approved for human use (if not for the specific use as an anti-aging drug) by the FDA and EMA and available as a generic (i.e., potentially cheap) since last year

So why do only fitness/life-hack nerds and a few aging researchers talk about rapamycin as a solution to slowing the aging process? Here is a list from Robin Hogarth, a decision scientist, on why people resist „simple“ solutions to complex problems

  1. People generally believe that complex systems/problems require complex solutions
  2. New ideas are hard to accept
  3. It can be difficult to know if simple solutions work

While I believe that the first two are real obstacles (and the additional complicating fact that there is no money in it for the pharmaceutical industry under the current model), I am optimistic regarding the third point.

While it is exceedingly difficult (and expensive) to do randomized-controlled trials with the measured endpoint of lifespan given human longevity, we might not even need it in the current environment.

For me, a relevant case study is the example of the high-fat/low-carbohydrate diet for weight control and reversal of insulin-resistance. While its proponents were clearly seen as cranks just a few years ago, the individual data from people trying it for themselves is so convincing that there is no going back. As a kid growing up in the 80s on a diet of toast and orange juice for breakfast, lots of pasta, very little salt and definitely no eggs and cream I had problems maintaining my weight as an adult despite being an avid runner. Since changing the way I eat about 10 years ago, I have not spent a minute worrying about maintaining my weight and simply eat to satiety twice a day. Do I need a randomized-clinical trial as validation?

After we have all given rapamycin a try to see if the effects are indeed as great as claimed, the pharmaceutical industry might well get back to us due to popular demand as they have recently done in the pharmacological treatment of depression with ketamine. Ketamine, a general anesthetic and popular recreational street drug, was long known for its anti-depressant properties and prescribed on an off-label basis (i.e., not for the indication for which it was originally approved) but is now hailed as the greatest breakthrough in anti-depression therapy in the last 50 years after the regulatory approval of patent-protected nasal spray of a simple enantiomer of ketamine specifically for the treatment of depression – so that there is real money it it again.

Rapamycin and the Fountain of Youth Series: The Biology of mTOR

In biology, drugs often give us insights into the underlying function of cells that these drugs hijack. In general, drugs can only work because they latch onto some natural function of the cell and either mimic it or block it. There are specific molecules, called receptors, that drugs bind to in order to have their effects. The drug/receptor interaction can be compared to the interaction between a lock and a key with the receptor being the lock and the drug being the key which opens or closes the door to some function of the cell. 

Rapamycin works just the same. It binds to and inhibits a molecule called mTOR (mechanistic Target of Rapamycin). This molecule is present in all organisms from plants, yeast, fruit flies, worms all the way up to mammals. Usually, if something is conserved this well across species, it points to a very basic and central function of the cell.

David Sabatini (now at MIT) purified the mTOR protein as a postgraduate student and contributed greatly to our understanding of how it works (and has a beautiful three-part video series on youtube).

Here are the three things you need to know:

  1. mTOR is part of a protein complex (called mTOR complex 1 or mTOR C1) and detects two things at the same time: the local availability of nutrients and the growth factors/hormones (like insulin-growth factor) that travel to it mainly via the blood to inform it about the availability of nutrients in other places/organs
  2. mTOR C1 is the integrator (or in Sabatini’s words, the general contractor) to make a key decision for the cell about growth: are you fasting (low availability of nutrients) or feeding to go either catabolic (recycle and repair) or anabolic (grow and divide)
  3. Rapamycin blocks the function of mTOR C1 and thus acts like fasting (or vice versa) – it therefore sends the organism towards the „recycling and repair“ branch
Source: David Sabatini YouTube

This of course explains the diverse and seemingly contradictory effects of rapamycin when blocking mTOR from immunosuppression (“antibodies: stop dividing like crazy and attacking the transplant”) to tumor suppression (“cancer cell: stop dividing and attacking other tissues”) and its anti-aging effect – but more on that next time.

Rapamycin and the Fountain of Youth Series: The Discovery of Rapamycin

To discover new drugs, pharmaceutical researchers go around the world collecting biological samples in their quest to find plants, fungi or bacteria that contain substances that have properties that make them candidates for drug development but rarely as far as Rapa Nui.

And oftentimes (as in this case), serendipity not a directed search strategy plays an essential role.

It starts with another modern Easter Island expedition under the leadership of Georges Nógrády, a bacteriologist from the University of Montreal with a ship from the Canadian Navy and a crew of 40 scientists and doctors that took off from Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1964. Georges Nógrády and his team were looking for something entirely different when they collected soil samples from all across the island looking for tetanus spores (which they did find very few of). 

Suren Seghal, Transplantation76(3):623-624, August 15th, 2003.

The samples were given to the research laboratories of Ayerst in Montreal (which has since through a set of mergers become part of Pfizer, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world). Pharmaceutical companies love biological samples as they always look for new molecules that can be isolated and have medicinal properties that make them candidates for developing them into commercial drugs and Nógrády brought back 5,000 carefully frozen samples.

In 1972, Suren Seghal, a researcher with an almost stubborn determination to stick with his discoveries, was able to grow bacteria from the Easter Island soil samples and isolate a novel bacterial product originally called Rapamycin – Rapa because it is the indigenous name of the island and mycin because it showed properties against fungi.

He was happy because the novel molecule Rapamycin had anti-fungal properties but he was surprised that it also suppressed the growth of cancer (Seghal sent a sample to the National Cancer Institute but they were not interested at that time) and immune cells.

In 1983, Ayerst closed down the facility in Montreal, laying off 95% of the staff and moving with a small group that included Seghal to Princeton. Knowing that he would not have access to the large fermentors to grow the bacteria in Princeton, Seghal synthesized a large batch of Rapamycin in Montreal to take with him to Princeton and thus saved it for the world and the research to come.

With the growing interest in transplant medicine (and new management at his company), Seghal helped to develop Rapamycin for this purpose and it was approved in 1999 by the FDA as an immunosuppressant for organ transplantation.

Rapamycin (and its analogues) have since used to treat various cancers, rare lung diseases (LAM), venous malformations and even used to coat stents for heart surgery to prevent re-clogging.

Last but not least, Rapamycin prolongs lifespan in yeast, worms, flies and mice and one of its analogues prevents age-dependent decline in the immune system of humans (very topical: they measured the positive effect by an improved reaction to a flu shot).

How can a single drug have such wonderful but diverse effects? In the next part of this series, we will dive deep into the molecular biology of how cell growth and division is regulated and what role Rapamycin plays in it.

Rapamycin and The Fountain of Youth Series: The Island of Rapa Nui

After reading abut Lucy, fast forward from about 2 million years ago when our ancestors first started running, to around 3,000 years ago. It is the story of one of the most amazing feats that humans could perform with a greatly enlarged brain and a body made for endurance exercise, the colonization of the South Pacific including its most remote islands. 

Human beings had long left East Africa and populated the entire world with few spots still left untouched by human feet. Taking off from what is today Taiwan around 3,000 BC, they used catamaran-like canoes to first reach the Philippines, then the Melanesian Islands to finally reach one of the most remote places on earth, Easter Island (or Rapa Nui as it is know in the local language) at around 900 AD. 

By Ian Sewell –, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Easter Island (famous for its impressive statues and the rapid decline of their civilization described in Jared Diamond’s popular book Collapse) is so remote that the nearest town with a population over 500 is on the Island of Mangareva 2,600km away, the place from which the original colonizers most likely have taken off. 

This task, sailing without any modern navigation tools on small, human powered vessels across 2,600km on the open sea was so heroic that many people in modern days still doubted that it was possible at all. 

All doubts were erased once a group from the Polynesian Voyaging Society (a group of enthusiasts who want to keep the art and science of traditional Polynesian voyaging and the spirit of exploration based out of Hawaii founded in the 1970s) successfully repeated the task using original equipment (double-hulled voyaging canoe) and navigation techniques (basically navigating without instruments following the sun and stars and observing ocean-swells) and completed the journey in 19 days in 1999.

This remote place, Rapa Nui, also is the origin of a story that helps our understanding of a healthy life in general and exercise in particular and has even been likened to the discovery of the mysterious fountain of youth. It is the story of a most essential biological mechanism of cell growth and proliferation which we will come back to in the following installments of this series of articles.

The Masters Athlete Series: Sprinting for the Long Run

After telling you to go for walk instead of a run (at least every once in a while), I am now telling you somewhat counterintuitively that old women and men should sprint.

Most older athletes get automatically cornered into the long-distance type of running. There are two problems with it especially if you are a beginner and/or not doing any other sport/cross-training:

  1. You already need a base fitness to run (and not the other way around) – jogging alone does not sufficiently improve your fitness without some additional type of strength training
  2. The repetitiveness, time-intensive nature and chronic stress of endurance type running can lead to frequent injuries, fatigue and the wrong hormonal milieu for an aging human being – triggering stress hormones instead of the desired anabolic growth hormones to counteract muscle loss

Let me suggest an alternative ingredient to your program – even though I am usually the only one doing them (at least at my age) even when on the track: do some sprints as well.

Before we go at the why and how a word of caution: with the popularity of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) many of you might say that you already go to the track once or twice a week and run fast. Running 400m repeats with short and incomplete recoveries or some type of the popular 4*4 minute repeats is not sprint training because you run at fast but sub-maximal speed (for the nerds: around 85% of maximum heart rate and in between the lactate threshold 2 and V02max) and not all out at maximum speed. High-intensity training has its place as well, especially for competitive athletes in preparation for the competition phase, but needs to be dosed very carefully for the average athlete because it is very costly in recovery terms.

Sprint training is different and when I started sprint training, I had to seriously unlearn some endurance type-habits such as

  • learning that it might be worthwhile to properly warm-up for 20 minutes to prepare for the acute stress of a session
  • learning that distance does not equal work: a typical session for me could well be an extensive warm-up, 5 flying 50 meter sprints, some strides, a short cool-down and me going home after 45 minutes
  • learning that the real cost of sprinting is not only muscular but neurological as well. In order to really go at maximum speed and with good techniques, you need to take to 2-3 minute breaks, something that gets you funny stares from the leisurely joggers on the track as you seem to be spending most of your time walking up and down the track

The benefits are amazing though and include health, performance and mood:

  1. Health: one of the key problems to fight for the masters athlete is sarcopenia or the loss of muscle mass as a result of aging. There are two types of muscle fibers, slow and enduring (type I) and fast, powerful but fast-exhausting (type II). You tend to lose type II or fast fibers at a faster rate than type I fibers, which is why many older athletes prefer endurance type activities because their performance in these activities does not decline as much. Wrong answer though because you use it or lose it. There are only two ways to properly recruit type II fibers: sprinting or heavy weights. Many people do not have access to a full Olympic weightlifting set-up (and are not properly trained in its technique) and might be afraid of heavy weights but everyone can find a grass patch for some sprinting (and knows the basic technique already). Also, there is a significant neurological component to sarcopenia, i.e., it is not only the number and size of your muscle fibers but also the brains ability to recruit as many as possible of them. There are few more explosive, powerful movements that involve a coordinated contraction of all major muscular chains than sprinting (other than possibly Olympic lifts again which are beautiful, powerful but difficult)
  2. Performance: Even if you are an endurance runner, sprint training improves your running economy and makes you faster even at sub-maximal speeds. In my view, the benefits go beyond the weight room as they are more specific and in particular address the elastic and energy-returning properties of the entire movement apparatus (joints, sinews, connective tissue) and not only improved muscle mass. Still, improved muscle mass is a side benefit, just look at legendary sprinters and masters sprinters and how much better they look than pure endurance athletes
  3. Mood: First of all, it feels great to be sprinting and lets you travel straight back to early childhood and/or that exhilarating feeling of running away from the teacher/police/neighbor when you were a little older. Secondly, the recovery cost are actually very modest. I definitively cannot do more than one such work-out a week, but feel surprisingly fresh both right after as well as on the next day, which you can use for any other work-out. Also, to add a little female perspective to our oftentimes overly male dominated sphere of masters athletics: sprint interval training seems to be particularly suited to counteract some of the specific side-effects of menopause.

All nice and fine but is sprinting not dangerous and prone to lead to injuries? Indeed, you need to ease into it like all new activities and deal with the exercise paradox that goes far beyond sprinting: while sprinting can lead to injuries such as hamstring tears the best protection against it is being a well-trained sprinter and doing resistance training.

Here is a great practical resource that helped me in getting started. It is a guide to sprinting for general fitness from the track team at Altis.

The Masters Athlete Series: Consistent Age-Grading Across Disciplines with One Number

Making performances comparable across disciplines is a problem faced by multi-sports like Modern Pentathlon and the Decathlon/Heptathlon in athletics but also in swimming with its many distances and strokes.

Both scoring systems, in Modern Pentathlon and in the Decathlon/Heptathlon, are somewhat inelegant and logically inconsistent and result in biases for the overall results: the Modern Pentathlon favors the best runner and fencer, the Decathlon/Heptathlon by the best sprinter.

How Do Swimmers Calculate a Score to Compare a 1,500m Freestyler with a 100m Butterfly Swimmer?

The scoring system in swimming is called the FINA point system and it indeed has many advantages:

  • First, it is simple to explain and can be described by a single formula of P = 1000*(B/T)3 with P being your points, B the base time and T your swim time
  • Also, it is continuously updated and anchored in an objective fashion as the base time is the current world record for the stroke and distance (it equals the base time and therefore 1000 points)
  • Last but not least, the cubic function reflects that it gets ever harder to improve the closer you get to world record times

To every swimmer, these points are meaningful and oftentimes used for selection to teams. Given the exponential function and 1000 points being the current world record, 600 points already are national level (and around the qualifying times for the German National Championships) and with 300 points you can compete at the local/regional level.

How Can We Use the FINA Point Concept in Masters Sports?

It is only a short step to extend the concept beyond swimming in two directions:

  1. Extend it to other activities where the fastest wins as measured by time (like running)
  2. Extending it to Masters Athletes by simply applying the appropriate age-group world record to calculate your points

Why Calculate a Single Point Score for Your Masters Performance?

The single best reason for calculating a score for yourself is that you know that you get slower over time as you age – the thing that you do not know though is by how much you should get slower. In other words, are you getting better with time relative to your age? Even if we are competing as Masters Athletes and can count our places in official races, participation and competitiveness across age categories is not even and therefore no substitute for a longitudinal comparison with yourself.

The second reason is that many of us tend to do more than one distance within a sport (e.g., 400m, 800m, mile and 5k) or more than one sport (e.g., swimming and running). If we want to be honest with ourselves, it would be good to know not only which one of these we like best, but where our weaknesses are. A single point scoring system will do exactly that and allows us to properly allocate our trainings resources.

Does it work?

Here is an example comparing 100m freestyle swimming and running a mile, just to pick two distances in two different sports with varying contributions of oxidative metabolism.

To be honest, I was really surprised as to how well it works. If I swim a 70sec in the 100 freestyle at the peak of my lifetime performance, I am barely able to compete as a male in local, senior competitions but am (somewhat) fine as a female athlete if we take the 300 points as a cut-off point. This roughly equates to a 6min mile which seems about right with its 344 (female) and 238 (male) „FINA“ points respectively – nothing to write home about but much better than the average population.

So how about aging my performance: being in the early fifties, I would have to run a 6m28s in the mile for 300 points which I can do. On the other hand, I would have to swim a 1m17s in the 100m free which I certainly cannot. Given that I am a much worse swimmer than runner and have never competed in a pure swimming event this result seems intuitively correct.

What is the Potential for this Relative Age-Grading System Across Sports?

There are two applications that come to my mind (other than its potential to greatly improve the scoring system in multi-sports like the Modern Pentathlon).

First, it would allow for crowning an overall winner in sparsely attended masters competitions for the highest „FINA“ point score rather than the fastest time. In my humble experience, it often is the case that for many of the smaller and more regional events and starting at a certain age, you might be winning a medal just for showing up (or on the side of the spectrum end up in the only two truly competitive categories of male-midlife-crisis-age-groupers).

Secondly, it would of course be possible to do the same thing we just did for masters athletes for youth development purposes. Taking youth world records as the basis, you would be able to have an objective longitudinal score that allows you to see if an athlete actually improves over time relative to their age. Normally, youth coaches tend to be overly impressed by themselves because all athletes get better as they grow (just like all masters athletes get slower as they age). Unfortunately, competitive sports are not really popular and all but the very best performing young athletes tend to drop out over time (not only in niche sports like the Modern Pentathlon but even in previously much more popular sports like track). If you are the exceptional young athlete who is both average but has not yet dropped out, you get the (very wrong) impression that instead of getting better you are actually getting worse in an ever more narrow field. This of course creates a vicious cycle of more young people becoming discouraged and dropping out, leading to the current situation where you barely have any competition below the very top. Having a lifelong, age-graded scoring system would allow the coach and athlete to actually monitor absolute (compared to yourself) rather than relative (compared to the competition) improvements in performance to encourage continued participation in competitive sports.